Party Snow Review

DISCLAIMER: Sample provide for testing and reviewing purposes.

I was super excited to try this product. If you know me personally then you know that I love all things to do with winter – that includes snow. Sadly it looks like we won’t be having any this Christmas

I was skeptical about this product, but as soon as I poured water in with the powdered snow product I was amazed because it was like magic. It had an odd smell when it was working its way to snow, but it wasn’t a bad one. I didn’t notice it at first, but it feels cold to the touch! It felt like something familiar, but I couldn’t​ figure out what. I was going to say that it was similar to coconut flakes and hot cereal, but then it hit me! It feels exactly like the insides of a wet diaper. Weird I know, but I’m positive that’s it.

Unfortunately, ​ it’s not very compact so you can’t build anything out of it, but it’s fun to just run your hands through. I think it would be a great sensory activity for kids.